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Oh, the fascinating world of Odontoponera transversa! These ants are an absolute marvel of nature and one of the most aggressive species. Odontoponera transversa workers are notably fierce ants, they subdue their prey using a tormenting sting that leaves the prey defenceless, they are known to be ruthless. Lots of scientists describe this ant species as the first ant on earth due to its primitive anatomy and behaviour but also highly intelligent, and unlike their counterparts from other species, the workers prefer to scavenge and hunt on their own, similar to Harpegnathos Venator.


The queen ant of Odontoponera transversa is particularly intriguing and you must feed her twice a week as she is semi-claustral. She displays exceptional leadership and organisational skills that keep the entire colony running smoothly. The level of coordination and harmony among these ants is simply breathtaking! As these tiny creatures go about their daily duties, they exhibit a level of cooperation that is truly inspiring. The Odontoponera transversa species, in particular, teaches us so much about unity, hard work, and survival. It's truly exciting to delve into the world of these extraordinary ants!

Colony size in nature is up to 500 but in captivity, we have managed to reach around 100 workers in two years. Not suitable for beginners.

Monogyne ant species (one queen per colony).

The queen is 12mm, black, and light silver. Workers are 10 - 12mm, the same colour as the queen.

Ant farm requirements are similar to other Asian (exotic) species:

Air humidity: Outworld: 50 - 60%,  nest: 70 - 80%.

Temperature: Outworld: 21 - 30°C,  nest: 24 - 28°C. You must use a heating mat here in the UK.

Development, egg to adult worker takes 10 to 12 weeks. The shorter time we've recorded is 75 days at 28°C constant temperature in the nest.

Tip: If you treat the queen well (do not stress her) and feed her twice a week you can expect 8-12 eggs to be layed during the first month. Suitable nutrition: mealworms, baby crickets or locusts and carbs, organic honey or protein jelly.


Odontoponera transversa

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