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Oh, the fascinating world of insects! If you think you've seen it all, think again! Have you heard of the Myrmecocystus mexicanus, more commonly known as the Golden Honey Pot Ant? Yes, that's right - Honey Pot Ant! This unique species is one of nature's most incredible phenomena, and they are truly a marvel to behold!

The Honey Pot Ant is not like your other ants. This particular species is native to the arid regions of Mexico and the southwestern United States where they have adapted uniquely to their harsh environment. But what makes them stand out, you ask? Well, it's their fascinating ability to turn their bodies into living storage units!

Workers in the Honey Pot Ant colonies gorge on nectar, becoming engorged until their abdomens swell into a golden, transparent bulb full of sweet liquid, sometimes as big as a hazelnut. Considering the worker ants' size, 7-10mm, imagine this golden ball sized around 25mm hanging down from the roofs of their underground nests, resembling tiny golden pots filled with honey - hence their charming name. This stored nectar is not for their own consumption; instead, it serves as a food reserve for the entire colony during lean times. Talk about selfless service!

The Golden Honey Pot Ants are not just extraordinary in terms of functionality, but they also present a visual spectacle. Imagine walking into a dark room shimmering with hundreds of golden globules hanging from the ceiling - almost like a natural version of an art installation or Christmas decorations! And guess what? These tiny creatures are also nocturnal, which means they work their magic under the cover of darkness!

Our planet is full of wondrous beings that continue to surprise and delight us with their unique adaptations and survival strategies. And among them all, the Honey Pot Ant surely stands out! So here's to the Myrmecocystus mexicanus – nature's own little storage units and living embodiment of teamwork and selflessness!

The Honey Pot Queen is around 15-16mm and is fully claustral. You must feed the queen twice a week and the colony afterwards the same way.

Regarding the hibernation, you can skip it during the first year but afterwards, move the ant farm in a colder room, around 20 degrees Celsius for 2 months, starting from the first week in November.

Habitat requirements:

Air humidity:   Arena: 50 - 60%; Nestpart: 65 - 75%;

Temperature: Arena: 22 - 32°C;  Nestpart: 27 - 30°C - you will need a heating mat here in the UK!

Kind of Ant Nest: Substrate or Plaster bedding (options with built-up heating).

Outworld size: Medium to Large depending on the colony size

Outworld Substrate: Sand loam (dry)

Decoration: pebbles, leaflitter, twigs, dried moss etc.

Read all you need to know about these fascinating ants: Discover the Fascinating World of Honeypot Ants: A Comprehensive Guide

Myrmecocystus mexicanus (Golden Honey Pot Ant)

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