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The Myrmecia pyriformis, also known as the Giant Bulldog Ant, is a striking and fascinating species of ant that hails from Australia. It is recommended for experienced Ant Keepers and has a very, very painful sting. These large and impressive ants measure around 25-30mm in length and are known for their aggressive behaviour. With their distinctive appearance and size, these ants are a popular choice for ant enthusiasts looking to add a unique and captivating species to their collection. The Giant Bulldog Ants are known for their powerful stings, making them a formidable and intriguing addition to any ant colony. If you are looking for a visually stunning and captivating ant species, the Myrmecia pyriformis is an excellent choice for your collection.

Don't miss the opportunity to own this unique ant species and bring a piece of Australia's diverse ants into your home.


The colony is monogyne, meaning only one queen per colony.

The bulldog queen ant's lifespan is 25-30 years in nature and around 10 years in captivity.


The Life Cycle of Bulldog Ants

Bulldog ants undergo a full metamorphosis, just like other ants, going through four different stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The largest individual in the colony, the queen, lays eggs that develop into tiny larvae. The worker ants are the only food source and protection for these larvae. It will take 4-5 months for an egg to develop into an adult worker if your ant colony is kept at 28°C!

For these ants, ideal humidity levels are maintained at 30–50% in the outworld and 60–70% in the nest area.

Maintain an outworld temperature of 21°C to 30°C and a temperature of 24°C to 28°C for the nest area.

The best part is that these Myrmecia pyriformis (Giant Bulldog Ants), don't hibernate! However, from June through September, it's a good idea to remove the heating mat. Your Giant Bulldog queen ant's lifespan will increase to a maximum of 30 years as a result.

These ants are very easy to feed! They eat honey, fruits, and insects like crickets and fruit flies to survive. Protein Jelly is another nourishing option for treating them in place of live food.

We do recommend a natural ant farm for bulldog ants.


Find out more interesting facts about the bull ant species: Bull Ants: Nature's Fierce Predators Explained

Myrmecia pyriformis (Giant Bulldog Ant)

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