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Diving into the intriguing world of Myrmecia fulvipes, commonly known as the golden tailed bull ant, unveils a fascinating segment of Australia's biodiversity. These formidable insects are celebrated for their unique characteristics, including their impressive size, striking golden tail, and potent venom which begs the question – can a bull ant bite kill you? While the risk to humans is generally low, the bull ant's sting is remarkably powerful, making them a subject of both awe and caution. Their remarkable attributes, from the bull ant’s lifecycle to the intriguing hierarchy within their colonies, highlight the complexity of these creatures and underscore the importance of understanding their role in our ecosystem. Don't miss the opportunity to own this unique ant species and bring a piece of Australia's diverse ant population into your home.


The colony is monogyne, meaning only one queen per colony.

These formidable insects are large species of ants, the queen measuring  13-15mm long. Worker ants are similar in size, a bit smaller 11-12mm. The bull queen ant's lifespan is 13-15 years in nature and around 8 years in captivity.


The Life Cycle of Bull Ants

Like other ants, bullet ants go through a complete metamorphosis, progressing through four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The queen, the largest member of the colony, lays eggs that hatch into tiny larvae. These larvae are completely dependent on the worker ants for food and protection. Egg to worker takes around 5-6 months. The warmer the faster. If you keep your ant nest at 28°C then you can expect egg to adult worker developing time of 140-150 days!

Feeding these ants is a breeze! They thrive on honey, various insects like fruit flies and crickets, as well as fruits. You can also treat them with Protein Jelly, a nutritious substitute for live food.

Maintaining humidity levels of 30-50% in the outworld and 60-70% in the nest area ensures optimal conditions for these ants.

Temperature-wise, keep the outworld between 21°C to 30°C and the nest area between 24°C to 28°C.

And here's the best part - these Myrmecia fulvipes (Golden Tailed Bull Ants) don't hibernate! It's a good idea to turn the heating mat off from June to September though. This will improve your Bull queen ant's lifespan to up to 15 years.


We do recommend a natural ant farm for bull ants.


Find out more interesting facts about the bull ant species: Bull Ants: Nature's Fierce Predators Explained



Myrmecia fulvipes (Golden Tailed Bull Ant)

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