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Originating in the tropical regions of Southeast Asia, this Marauder Ant species is renowned for its fierce nature and rapid growth. They share the same care requirements as Carebara diversa (see below), although they are typically lighter in colour. This species is extremely polymorphic, much like C. Diversa, and there is a striking size difference between a minor worker which is only 2mm and a soldier which reaches 11mm! It is hard to imagine that they even belong to the same species or colony.

Pheidologeton affinis aka Carebara Affinis.

Because of their propensity to expand into massive colonies, these unique ants are not a species to be taken lightly. Protein-rich diets and frequent feeding are essential for colony success. Feed them three times a week and remove any remains before the next feeding. Their quick growth phases between brood cycles allow them to grow at such a high rate. Did you know that a young larva can pupate in as little as 8 days?


Find out more everything you need to know about Carebara Diversa and Carebara Affinis on our Blog Page: The Ultimate Guide to Raising Carebara Diversa Asian Marauder Ants


Life Cycle of Carebara Affinis Marauder Queen Ants

The Carebara Affinis Marauder Queen Ant's life cycle is an amazing example of how clever nature can be. The mating flight, which takes place far above the ground, is where it all starts: the queen and male ants perform a mating ritual. The queen sheds her wings and selects a good location for her nest after mating. She then starts the arduous process of establishing a new colony. The queen carefully provides care and nourishment for her developing larvae. Depending on the requirements of the colony, the larvae develop into worker ants, soldiers, or future queens. Pay attention to the queen's massive appearance - 14-16mm.

Nesting Habits and Behavior

Carebara Affinis, the Second Queen of Marauders Ants are well known for their extraordinary capacity to construct nests. They build elaborate tunnel systems, sometimes called "ant cities," that function as the colony's main core. These nests are made up of tunnels, brooding chambers, and food storage places. When it comes to an ideal captive habitat, this species typically thrives in a natural, bioactive arrangement that mimics the forest floor in which it is typically found. This is because it tends to support the ideal humidity & temperature levels of a tropical climate. Nevertheless, C.affinis will also adapt well to formicariums made of plaster or with sand bedding.

Maintaining humidity levels of 60-70% in the outworld and 70-90% in the nest area ensures optimal conditions for these ants. Temperature-wise, keep the outworld between 21°C to 35°C and the nest area between 27°C to 29°C.


Reproduction and Colony Growth

It takes roughly 20-25 days for an egg to turn into a minor worker if you maintain the average temperature of those ants at 28–29 degrees Celsius. It takes longer for the majors—roughly 45 days. If you take good care of the queen, she will lay hundreds of eggs every day.
The workers look after the offspring while the queen lays her eggs. They ensure the healthy development of the developing larvae by providing food and protection. When the larvae reach adulthood, they become worker ants and are prepared to aid in the survival of the colony. The colony develops into a flourishing society with specialized roles and a well-functioning social structure as it grows. Provide a variety of freshly killed insects to the colony to feed the numerous hungry larvae. This is particularly crucial because worker ants of this species have a short lifespan, around 30-40 days, and depend on the colony to properly replenish supplies for them to survive.


Defence Mechanisms and Predatory Behavior

Carebara Affinis have developed amazing defence measures to guard their nests and make sure the colony survives. These ants behave aggressively toward outsiders, repelling dangers with their strong jaws. Even the tiny minor worker can pinch your skin badly so please, handle these little beasts with care and use nitrile gloves! The troops were vital to the colony's defence because of their bigger stature and better equipment. These ants are adept predators in addition to being defence workers; they hunt and catch tiny insects and other arthropods for the colony's food. Even though these ladies are renowned for their prowess in hunting and swarming, it's crucial to remember that other food sources should also be considered, such as lipid-rich seeds like chia seeds, walnuts and amaranthus seeds.

Look no further if you want a fresh addition to your collection to keep you on your toes. You will undoubtedly be astounded by how many eggs this species can produce, especially with polygynous colonies.

Carebara Affinis Asian Marauder Ants

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