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Aphaenogaster longiceps - The Funnel Ants.

Because of their funnel-shaped mounds, these ants' nests are easily identifiable in Australia's southeast. In this instance, they are in charge of seed dispersal strategies and creating the microhabitats necessary for the seeds to develop into fully-grown plants. This medium-sized ant, whose queen can grow up to 13 mm, is resilient and quickly builds up big colonies in captivity!

Like most Australian species, Aphaenogaster longiceps thrives in the following:

Temperature: Nest 21- 26°C Outworld 18- 30°C;

Humidity: Nest 30- 50% Outworld 40- 60% ;

Since these ants are subtropical, they don't need to hibernate, but they can benefit from short bursts of lower temperatures to mimic those fluctuations that occur naturally in the wild. Perfect for amateurs, novices, and seasoned keepers alike.

Owing to their size, they can be easily observed and, being an opportunistic forager species, they will accept most foods with ease. Feed them organic honey, insects (small fruit flies, houseflies and small crickets) and occasionally sesame, chia or millet seeds. We have upgraded our Protein Jelly formula so it's the perfect substitution for live food. These ants do not need a hibernation.

The queen ant is claustral (without consuming food). Suitable for beginners with experience of at least one year as these ant species show higher requirements for climate.

Kind of Ant Nest: Substrate or Plaster bedding (options with built-up heating).

Outworld size: Small  to Medium depending on the colony size

Outworld Substrate: Sand or sand-loam (dry)

Decoration: pebbles, leaflitter, twigs, dried moss etc.

Colony can reach approx. 10,000 workers in the wild.

Aphaenogaster longiceps

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