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Messor angularis

Messor angularis


This particular species, known as Messor angularis, is commonly found in East Africa, specifically in Kenya and Tanzania. As for their colony structure, they are monogynous, meaning they have a single queen. The queen measures around 11-13mm and has a glossy black body with a vibrant redhead. The workers, on the other hand, vary in size from 4-11mm and have a glossy black to red body with significant polymorphism. Unlike some other ant species, Messor angularis does not have soldiers. The males measure approximately 7-8mm and have a black colouration. In terms of diet, these ants primarily consume seeds from various grasses and wild plants, but they also feed on insects like flies, small crickets and locusts.When it comes to their preferred environment, Messor angularis thrives in areas with an air humidity of 30-50% in their arena and 50-70% in their nest. They prefer temperatures ranging from 25-30°C in the arena and slightly cooler temperatures of 22-28°C in their nest. Unlike some other ant species that hibernate during certain seasons, Messor angularis does not go through a hibernation period.

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